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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Only Human by Ace ft.Joey (from the original version by Joey)

What's within me isn't just flesh and Blood
But to speak of what's within,I turn to 
question my personality
On why I am What I am?
When I laugh is it just a giggle,or
maybe am I overjoyed by happiness.

What's a smile compared to that kind of
What's all the emotion I have compared
to the lust I feel for the moment?
Ain't I, Ain't I, just only human,
Ain't I just, Human?

The air I feel I'm breathing,isn't oxygen,
I feel caught up in a abnormal, paranormal
universe that just takes away for the sake of 
things,that should and should not exist.

Perhaps compared to other things I am
only just human.Only here to serve my own purposes
though my very own perspectives.

If I am not the same as you, then,what am I.............?
If I'm not the only human that makes mistakes just
like you,then only human is something we all are
to be.